Soul Guidance & Mentoring

"The greatest calling of every human being is to become a midwife to the soul of the other”

~ Plato ~

Knowles Wentworth Mentoring

Soul Guidance & Mentoring

Think of a time you went to a party, gathering, or an event, and met a person who really captured your attention. Maybe you even tried to use adjectives to describe the essence of what you found so alluring. Perhaps it was their “groundedness” their “presence” their “vitality” their “love of life” their “pizazz”. Maybe you found yourself musing, “I want to be like them when I grow up” or "I want what they got”.

Soul Guidance and Mentoring is about supporting you to discover and embrace the essence of who YOU are which longs to be expressed in the world through YOU as well!

I believe it is the soul that imbues each of us with the qualities we most admire in others and wish to embody ourselves. I conceive of soul as a presence or gentle force in my life which acts as a guide. I have learned to trust that this presence supports me to express more beauty and love in the world - so that my personality is infused with this unique essence, thus revealing more of myself!

In our mentoring work together, we’ll learn the ways in which you understand this presence in your life. There is no need to use the same terminology. You may be religious, “spiritually independent” like myself, or atheist. All you need is a longing to reveal more of yourself in the world. We’ll start there!


I do presume that there is a process of emergence unfolding naturally in you and it is at work trying to get your attention to aid in this unfolding and flowering process.

I will invite you to look at the ways in which this presence is capturing your attention (or might be trying to). This might be through dreams, serendipitous encounters with people and/or the natural world, books or poems you stumble across, music that calls to you, synchronicities, body sensations, recurrent patterns of thought or themes in your life, etc.


Gandhi, and then Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the phrase “Truth force” and “Love force”, which I find utterly beautiful because it gives guidance on how we may act in the world when we learn to harness the power of this presence in our lives.

Soul guidance is about supporting you to allow this truth force to emerge more fully in your life so that you can do the work that is yours to do here. This journey may travel through relational work with family or friends, towards new vocational work, or entail some new way of being in the world as old patterns die off to make room for emerging ones.

We all have unique obstacles preventing greater access and expression of this love force in our lives. In mentoring, I will assist you to navigate through these obstacles as they arise and attempt to block the force of soul. 

“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us”

~ Marianne Williamson ~

If your relationship to this soul presence feels very faint, or is tenuous or fleeting in your life, have no worries, you’re in good company! This experience has been mine as well and is the experience for most of us living in the dominant Western culture!

In soul mentoring work, we’ll pay close attention to how this force and presence wants to reveal more beauty through you and then support, cooperate with, and facilitate this natural process of incarnation. 


It is important to note that soul guidance and mentoring is “present moment” work. In other words, your soul knows what needs to be revealed next. Deference is given to the soul process itself and so the shape of a mentoring session is contingent upon what’s coming up for you moment to moment in your body, in your thoughts, etc.

Outside of paying close attention to what is being raised in the moment to see where it may want to lead us, here are some other ways in which we’ll work together to further awaken this force and presence within you:

  • Wholly engaged listening

  • Book and/or poetry recommendations

  • Recommending and/or encouraging time outdoors in the woods, mountains, or rivers to deepen your work and strengthen your awareness and ability to listen

  • Silence

  • Dreamwork (Emphasizing soul mystery over ego message)

  • Deep reflection after a session

  • Psychosynthesis*

*Soul mentoring and guidance is not psychotherapy or clinical in nature but I have been trained in Psychosynthesis and Spiritual Psychology so occasionally techniques and/or principles from these fields may be employed if they align well with our mentoring work. 

Rates: I use a sliding scale based on finances:

  • If your combined household income is above $100,000 annually, my rate is $75 for a one hour session.

  • If your combined household income is from $50,000 to $100,000 annually, my rate is $60 for a one hour session.

  • If your combined household income is below $50,000 annually, my rate is $50 for a one hour session.

Soul mentoring and guidance is most commonly scheduled for once a month. I do give consideration to meeting more often, particularly during a time of spiritual and/or existential crisis. Please be in touch with any questions you may have about soul mentoring. If you’d like to schedule a free 30 minute session to see how we roll together, send me an email or text and we’ll plan a time that works for both of us!